Foreign Policy
Should the US Stop Sending Money to Ukraine?

Should the US Stop Sending Money to Ukraine?
Here’s The Scoop
The Biden administration is ramping up its military support for Ukraine by sending American-made F-16 fighter jets equipped with advanced weaponry. This move, revealed by The Wall Street Journal, signals a significant escalation in U.S. involvement in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
Denmark and the Netherlands, both NATO allies, are gearing up to ship dozens of U.S.-made F-16s to Ukraine this summer. Following suit, Belgium and Norway will also contribute additional fighter jets. But what’s really noteworthy is that these F-16s will come loaded with sophisticated U.S.-made missiles, air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions, and precision-guidance kits for bombs, according to a senior U.S. official.
“We are confident that we will be able to supply all of those [weapons], at least the critical volumes that they need,” the official stated, ensuring that Ukraine will receive the necessary firepower.
Maj. Gen. Rolf Folland of Norway emphasized the importance of this decision, stating, “The aircraft itself is worthless without the weapons.”
This latest shipment of arms comes at a time when the Pentagon is facing limitations in inventory and production capability, according to WSJ. As training Ukrainian pilots on these advanced fighter jets proves to be a logistical challenge, the Biden administration is contemplating the expanded use of American military facilities for this purpose.
U.S. officials are optimistic about the impact these F-16s could have on Ukraine’s ability to counter ground threats and halt Russian advances, even as the war nears the 30-month mark.
Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to lead the world in military aid to Ukraine. Just this Monday, another $1.7 billion package was announced. This includes $200 million in immediate military aid taken directly from Pentagon stockpiles, as reported by the Associated Press.
Last month, President Biden signed a 10-year military assistance agreement with Ukraine, as President Volodymyr Zelensky pushes for NATO membership. Although the agreement does not specify an exact dollar amount or require the deployment of American troops, it does mandate high-level consultations within 24 hours if Ukraine faces another attack.
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated in June, “We want to demonstrate that the U.S. supports the people of Ukraine, that we stand with them, and that we’ll continue to help address their security needs not just tomorrow but out into the future.”
As the Biden administration increases its military commitments overseas, the question remains: How much more will American taxpayers be asked to shoulder in this escalating foreign conflict?
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

Patricia Ann Moody
August 7, 2024 at 7:41 am
If the United States, wants to spend billions of Dollars worth of nukes & other killer weapons to useless EUKARAINE, & leave Americans with ( next to nothing). Since , we come last, ( always DId). There’s much more Secrets involved here. It’s NOT fair, for any reason , to spend billions to other nations. We always knew this . American Citizens come last, even animals & Wildlife are cut from protected Laws. That’s how the United States has “ ALWAYS been run, No party you vote for “WILL MAKE ANY Difference “!!!!
August 7, 2024 at 7:43 am
It is an unwinnable war. Created to bankrupt America and weaken us to the point when Russia and China decide it is time to step up. We are just provoking Russia into retaliation for our contribution to Ukraine. Who knows haw much kickback some in the administration are getting from any cash infusion being given to Ukraine.
Stop the madness.
August 7, 2024 at 10:08 am
Gee, who is profiting from this fake war? It certainly it NOT Americans! Stop this nonsense.
Mark Smith
October 23, 2024 at 8:13 am
the DemonRats are profiting big time from this Scam war. Putin went in there to Destroy the Weapon Chemical labs that the DemonRat party of WAR was funding. I support Putin for doing this. the Dems don’t want this information to get out to the public, they are keeping up their lie that Putin is just invading because Like Trump Putin Man Bad.they are not going along with the NWO RUN DemonRat party.
Walter W Hedge
August 7, 2024 at 12:51 pm
I can’t believe the number of people who support Vladimir Putin.
I didn’t know that Liberty University had so many communist sympathizers.
Nancy Janzen
August 12, 2024 at 11:29 am
Russians or Ukrainians doesnt matter both are dying and all you can see is the political garbage the media feeds you. Two Slavic brothers fighting and dying for your enjoyment. Walter W Hedge wake up you are supporting modern day gladiator games.
Walter Anderson
August 7, 2024 at 4:36 pm
NATO & America’s bases on Russia’s backyard, insanity. Don’t we remember The Cuban Missal Crisis? No wonder we’re the 2nd. most hated country in the world. Pallets of $$ for
NATO & America on Russia’s doorstep- insanity. Don’t we remember The Cuban Missal Crisis? Pallets of $$ for other countries, squat for us. More concern for Ukraines border than ours- we’re doomed.
Jerry C.
August 7, 2024 at 6:38 pm
First off, we’re sending very little actual “money” over there. The money Congress has authorized for Ukraine is mostly spent HERE, buying new weapons to send over there or, more often, buying new weapons for US to replace older ones we send to them.
Second, the war IS winnable and if we don’t support the Ukrainian people while they’re fighting & dying to stop Russian aggression now it will be American’s fighting & dying to stop Russian aggression in the future.
Third, Walter Anderson, we have bases in Alaska – which actually borders on Russia and once was Russian territory. Should we remove our bases from Alaska so as not to “aggravate” Russia? Should we, if Russia decides to exert their claim to their former territory based on history and a contention that the sale of Alaska to the U.S. was never valid in the first place, just let them roll in and take it without a fight?
With Ukraine, all the way to victory!!!
Nancy Janzen
August 12, 2024 at 11:24 am
People like Biden dont care if bunches of young Slavic men die. They are just pawns on the chessboard of the globalists who like Hitler consider them less than human.
Mark Smith
October 23, 2024 at 8:07 am
the UN is now an Arm of the NWO and they need to go, the UN needs to be dismantled and the leaders Put in Prison.
the Ukraine war is a Piggy Bank for the DemonRat party, STOP sending ANYTHING to Ukraine/Demonrats Pockets.