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Should Kamala Harris Be Barred From Office for Advocating an Assault Weapons Ban?

Should Kamala Harris Be Barred From Office for Advocating an Assault Weapons Ban?

Here’s the Scoop

In a fiery clash of ideologies, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has unleashed a scathing rebuke against Vice President Kamala Harris’s call for an assault weapons ban.

Harris, steering the helm of the newly minted Office of Gun Violence Prevention, has stirred controversy with her push to outlaw what she terms “weapons of war” from American streets.

This stance, aligned with the broader Democratic agenda, has provoked Greene’s fierce countercharge, demanding a ban on “communist politicians” like Harris.

Greene’s bold retort encapsulates a growing sentiment among conservatives, who view the Vice President’s actions as a direct assault on the Second Amendment and the fundamental rights of Americans to defend themselves.

In an era where crime rates are soaring and the nation grapples with complex security challenges, the debate over gun rights versus gun control has reached a boiling point.

We turn to you, our readers, in this moment of national reckoning: Should Vice President Kamala Harris be barred from office for her stance on an assault weapons ban? Is this a step too far in undermining American freedoms, or a necessary measure for public safety?

Cast your vote and let your voice be heard in this crucial debate that strikes at the core of American liberty and security.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!




  1. Grizz Mann

    November 20, 2023 at 6:36 am

    Wasn’t there a oath supporting the whole Constitution?

  2. Don

    November 20, 2023 at 7:03 am

    We need to get all of the trash like her out of our government.

  3. Mark Smith

    November 20, 2023 at 8:27 am

    well she Legally cannot be President of the USA because she is NOT a Natural born Citizen so I do not know how she was allowed to be VP Article II Paragraph 5 states that ONLY Natural Born Citizens can be President, Camel toe Harris is an Anchor Baby neither one of her parents were citizens and her Mother fled to Canada with Camel toe and her sister and became a Canadian Citizen.

    • SCPOUSNRetired

      November 20, 2023 at 8:34 am

      Obama is/was not a Natural Born Citizen, but with lots of money spread around not one News media would say he was Kenyan. My opinion, he should be in prison, stripped of all privileges and Honors afforded to Presidents. He should be banned from America and any and all his property seized. Harsh, yes but fitting.

  4. Frances Martinez

    November 22, 2023 at 3:48 am

    I hate to say it, but I am disappointed in her job performance. In California and in DC, staff has reported her as a bully, that is one reason, I do not care for the former president because he is a bully. I saw it at work many times and it’s ridiculous. Let’s teach kids not to bully, we will show them how. How can we be in the same position that we were almost four years ago. We definitely need to have term and age limits.

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