Should Abortion Pills Be Classified as a Controlled Substance?

Should Abortion Pills Be Classified as a Controlled Substance?
Here’s The Scoop
Louisiana is taking a bold stand for life, as lawmakers passed a bill reclassifying abortion pills, mifepristone, and misoprostol, as Schedule IV controlled dangerous substances.
This aligns perfectly with Louisiana’s firm anti-abortion stance, where the procedure is already largely illegal.
If the Senate and governor give their nod, unauthorized possession of these drugs would result in penalties including hefty fines and up to five years in prison.
The bill passed the House by a solid 64-29 vote, showcasing the significant political divide on this issue. While pregnant individuals using the drugs for self-administration would not face prosecution, the law would target others who possess these medications without a valid prescription.
Notably, the bill also criminalizes “coerced criminal abortion by means of fraud,” offering harsher penalties for violations beyond three months of pregnancy.
Despite fierce opposition from over 250 medical professionals, including Dr. Jennifer Avegno, who argue that these medications have vital uses beyond abortion, the bill is seen as a necessary measure to protect life.
Dr. Avegno stated, “They are safe and effective and they are not dangerous drugs of abuse to be on a schedule of a controlled dangerous substance list.”
Her statement highlights the controversy, but it’s clear that the Louisiana legislature values protecting unborn lives over these objections.
Republican Louisiana state Sen. Thomas Pressly introduced the bill, influenced by a personal incident involving his sister, underlining the real-world implications of unauthorized drug use.
Critics like State Rep. Mandie Landry argue it complicates access to necessary medical treatments, especially in rural areas. However, the focus remains on preventing misuse and safeguarding the unborn.
Louisiana’s move sets a precedent for other states to follow in the ongoing battle to protect life at all stages.
What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!

Brice Baker
May 30, 2024 at 1:26 am
You have the right plan
September 4, 2024 at 7:51 am
Ten thousand dollar fine and ten year jail term with no time off for good behavior. Make it sting for these lawless demonrats.
September 4, 2024 at 3:44 pm
ThisS is not a drug controlled substance. How it got such a big yes it must have been by the republicans They are out out step with freedom of choice and the medical need for abortions. None of them are medical field. This is not a religious issue. They want it to be. Ignorance is not a good look
September 5, 2024 at 11:29 am
AS much as I hate abortions they should not be illegal. I have witnessed the devastation of unwanted baby’s. I have also seen the sadness in women that have had abortions. It is a choice and the choice has no good answers. PS I am a Republican.
Cheryl Gregg
September 20, 2024 at 8:43 am
This should be a woman’s choice. I’ve seen the results of back alley abortions and I hate the idea of going back there. I don’t think a man can truly EVER understand what a difficult and heart breaking decision this is for a woman and honestly I don’t think most really care. It’s just another way to “control” them.