Should Schools Switch to a 4-Day Week?

Should Schools Switch to a 4-Day Week?
Here’s The Scoop
The shift to a 4-day school week has been sweeping across Missouri, reflecting a growing trend in rural education systems across the United States.
Harrisburg School District, for example, has adopted a Tuesday-through-Friday schedule, giving students and faculty a three-day weekend since the 2011-2012 school year. As this movement gains momentum, it prompts critical examination of its implications on education, family life, and the economy.
Proponents like Carter, a senior at Harrisburg High School, enjoy the flexibility and free time afforded by the additional day off, using it for sports, work, or advanced studies. Nearly 30% of Missouri’s school districts have embraced the four-day week, citing persistent teacher shortages and a quest for improved morale and retention as driving factors. Jon Turner of Missouri State University found that parental support for these four-day weeks ranged from 70% to 80%, indicating significant community backing.
The financial aspect is non-negligible, with districts saving on transportation, custodial work, and utility costs. Some educators believe the extra day helps combat teacher burnout and allows for more innovative and engaging lesson planning. Superintendent Dale Herl from the Independence School District noted a significant increase in teacher applications, pointing to the policy’s attractiveness in boosting staff recruitment and retention.
However, this schedule raises concerns about childcare, particularly in families where both parents work full-time. Harrisburg parent Dana Byrd noted the challenge of crowded daycare facilities on Mondays, highlighting the potential burden on families needing to arrange additional care.
As schools nationwide consider the four-day model as a solution to economic pressures and work-life balance, we turn to you, our readers: Should schools switch to a 4-day week? Is this shift a sustainable and effective approach to modernizing education and addressing teacher shortages, or does it risk compromising educational outcomes and placing additional strains on families?
Your insight is vital in navigating the future of educational policy. Vote now and weigh in on this crucial debate.
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Mark Smith
January 1, 2024 at 8:15 am
our Young people are to damn dumb the way it is, they need an 8 day week from what I see the schools are turning out. ot Maybe just replace the Stupid teachers/instructors and start teaching instead of Indoctrinating them.
Herb De Groft
January 1, 2024 at 9:24 am
The benefits of a 4 day school week to the students and teaching staff are almost incalculable. Transportation costs alone are impacted by a 20% reduction up front. Colorado was one of first states to see many school districts take this action late in last century, primarily due to longest bus routes. 2nd is reduction in utility costs due to empty buildings not requiring HVAC to same level as other 4 days. Greatest impediment…. child care and whole state has to male change. As a 13 year school board member, on and off between 1995-2013, I always was for this initiative, as I was/am for the “year ’round school” instead of the early June to after Labor Day shutdown that sees children get “out of the learning mode” and causes teachers to use nearly 6 weeks to get majority of students
back in the “learning mode” and where they were in subject mastery when school “let out”. Parents play a key role in any of these positive initiatives, to say the least.
January 2, 2024 at 6:45 pm
The education in this Country is terrible kids need to go five days a week and have them learn history and no Woke and sexual teaching.
Mark Smith
January 7, 2024 at 8:04 am
and COLORADO is a Communist run state, they want their people Dumber than Dirt so they can control them.
Miriam Hall
January 1, 2024 at 9:42 am
Depends on the length of the school day. If they increase the length of a school day to make a 4-day week, definitely no. I worked a 4-day, 10-hour work schedule that required me to use my brain for over 20 years. Most kids would not have the attention span if their day was increased. If they did not increase the school day, then increase the school year for a 4-day week.
January 1, 2024 at 12:38 pm
Our kids are falling behind the rest of the world in education now. This will be a disaster. As far as cost goes, I don’t think that should be the most important aspect to look at. There are other ways to reduce educational costs. Maybe salaries of some of the administrators and possibly others. Get rid of the unions. Quit building mansion schools. And, I’m sure there’s a lot of other ways I’m not thinking of right now.
The students need to keep their brains active and will not do that with a 4 day school week. And, it will leave many children roaming the streets and getting into trouble or hanging out with the wrong type of people.
This is another left wing scheme to further degrade the minds and education of our children. The indoctrination has been enough to ruin them. Now, they won’t even have to get a good, strong education. I vote a LOUD NO!
Mark Smith
January 7, 2024 at 8:08 am
Nancy you are 100% correct Thank you for your input.
January 13, 2024 at 7:11 pm
I agree with Nancy. The US is way behind other countries, and a 4 day week will add to the downhill slide.
Jerry C.
January 1, 2024 at 6:21 pm
Of course they don’t ever mention the added cost to parents of this stupidity. Parents work 5 days a week and school is their free babysitter.