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Do You Support Sen. Rubio’s Bill To Impose High Tariffs on China?

Do You Support Sen. Rubio’s Bill To Impose High Tariffs on China?

Here’s The Scoop

In a bold move to confront the growing threat posed by Communist China, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the Critical Mineral Supply Chain Realignment Act of 2024, aimed at safeguarding America’s critical mineral supply chains from Chinese control.

This assertive legislation imposes steep tariffs on essential goods such as electromagnets, permanent magnets, batteries, solar panels, and solar wafers, effectively hitting China where it hurts:

  • A 150% tariff on goods manufactured by Chinese-controlled entities, regardless of the country of manufacture.
  • A progressively increasing tariff on goods manufactured in China: starting at 150% in the first year, 300% in the second year, 450% in the third year, and a staggering 800% each year thereafter.
  • A 25% tariff on goods from countries that are neither allies of the U.S. nor part of select free trade partnerships or the Mineral Security Partnership.

Senator Rubio emphasized the critical need for this legislation, stating, “The U.S. and its partners must end Communist China’s critical mineral industrial monopoly. My bill will provide more certainty to industry based in the U.S. and partner and ally countries so they may be able to develop a critical mineral industrial ecosystem China’s market manipulations cannot undercut.”

This move follows Rubio’s ongoing efforts to prevent American reliance on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for minerals crucial to our technology sectors. Last November, Rubio and Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA) led a bipartisan group of senators in urging the White House to act decisively. Their letter highlighted the urgent need to secure supply chains as America lags behind adversaries like China in this critical area. Notably, China controls nearly 100% of the end-to-end supply chain for many of these essential minerals, a concerning fact that underscores the urgency of Rubio’s legislation.

Moreover, Rubio and Warner have pushed the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) to prioritize securing these critical mineral supply chains.

They stressed, “The stakes of our economic struggle with the PRC demand that we reduce our dependence on them in critical technology sectors and for critical goods, especially those with defense and energy applications.”

This decisive action by Senator Rubio is a clear message: America will no longer stand by as China manipulates global markets and threatens our economic security. It’s time to reclaim control of our critical mineral supply chains and ensure a prosperous and secure future for our nation.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!




  1. Barry Walze

    July 23, 2024 at 9:02 am

    The US should cut ALL trade with China completely. Write off any debt we may owe them, because of the Communist Chinese Virus (Covid) and have all US Companies no longer to do business with China. China is NOT our friend. The Idiot Clinton with his NAFTA and GAF trade agreement with them just made China more Powerful. You Brainwashed Imbeciles that vote Democrat are voting against your country.

    • Shelagh Flynn

      July 24, 2024 at 9:19 am

      Typical regressive bs by another magat. Tariffs hurt consumers, and runaway inflation would result.
      To employ that tactic might be ok if we taxed the corporations as we have in the past, before our elected folk boldly sold out too the highest bidder.
      Oh, btw, note musks decrease in funding to the morang

  2. Lester Hammond

    July 24, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    This will be like Trump’s tariffs, and only increase the cost of consumer goods. Tariffs on goods that we don’t or can’t produce here will hurt American businesses.
    Cheap labor is not the only consideration. China has new factories while we have record profiteering and price gouging.

  3. Billy

    July 24, 2024 at 1:37 pm

    High China tariffs should only be imposed if the item is readily available and manufactured in the North or Central America.

  4. Jerry C.

    July 24, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    It’ll only drive-up prices and hurt consumers. The only time tariffs are a good idea is when they are used to protect native industries. The things the U.S. gets from China are generally unavailable from American manufacturers, often because the unions have made their production here impossibly expensive. Make Right to Work federal law, slap down the unions and bring manufacturing back to our shores and THEN you can tariff the Hell out of China but until that industrial base is re-established here, tariffs are an idiotic idea.

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