Domestic Policy
Do You Support Biden’s New Gun Regulations?
President Joe Biden unveiled new federal regulations targeting the use of untraceable firearms known as ghost guns…

Do You Support Biden’s New Gun Regulations?
Here’s the Scoop
President Joe Biden unveiled new federal regulations targeting the use of untraceable firearms known as ghost guns. The new regulations classifies the DIY kits used to manufacture these guns at home as a firearm, requiring commercial manufacturers of the kits to have serial numbers and conduct background checks before a purchase.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) has spoken out against the rule, arguing that it violates the U.S. Constitution.
“Just as we opposed the Trump Administration’s arbitrary ban on bump stocks, GOA will also sue Biden’s ATF to halt the implementation of this rule,” said Aidan Johnston, the group’s director of federal affairs.
What do you think? Do you support Biden’s new gun regulations? Let us know with your vote!
Source: AP