Do Women Have a ‘Fundamental Right’ To ‘Terminate’ Pregnancy?

Do Women Have a ‘Fundamental Right’ To ‘Terminate’ Pregnancy?
Here’s The Scoop
In an unexpected revelation, former First Lady Melania Trump has publicly expressed her unwavering support for abortion rights, a stance that starkly contrasts with her husband, former President Donald Trump’s pro-life legacy. In a promotional clip for her upcoming memoir, Melania emphasized that there is “no room for compromise” on the issue of allowing women to make decisions about their pregnancies.
Melania’s pro-abortion views, which she claims to have held throughout her adult life, come at a critical time, with the 2024 election just around the corner. Her comments are likely to fuel the Democrats’ strategy of rallying their base around abortion rights.
The Guardian recently published excerpts from Melania’s memoir, where she argues that a woman’s right to choose is a fundamental liberty. She writes, “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body?” This position is a notable departure from the pro-life stance her husband championed during his presidency.
Interestingly, Melania is not alone among Republican First Ladies in holding pro-choice views. As noted by Daily Wire host Michael Knowles, every Republican First Lady has supported abortion rights to some extent. Laura Bush, for example, voiced her support for Roe v. Wade in 2010, while Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan also expressed pro-choice sentiments during their husbands’ tenures.
Despite Melania’s views, former President Trump has made significant strides for the pro-life movement, most notably by appointing three conservative Supreme Court justices, leading to the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. Trump has proudly claimed credit for this achievement, stating, “Without me, the pro-life movement would have just kept losing.”
However, Trump’s recent criticism of certain pro-life laws, such as the near-total abortion ban in Arizona and Florida’s six-week abortion limit, suggests a more nuanced approach as he navigates the 2024 campaign. He has argued that these laws are too extreme, indicating a potential shift in strategy to appeal to a broader electorate.
Melania’s memoir also touches on other areas of disagreement with her husband, including immigration policy. She describes these differences as a natural part of their relationship, preferring to address them privately rather than in the public eye.
As the political landscape continues to evolve, Melania’s revelations add a complex layer to the ongoing national conversation about abortion rights and the broader ideological divides within the Republican Party.
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Juanita M Hundley
October 7, 2024 at 7:15 am
Life is given by God and is a gift, not to be taken light. We are responsible for every life that we cut short. We have to answer for every one of them that are killed even before they can cry! If you can get birth control there is no need to kill babies!
October 7, 2024 at 9:10 am
Birth control fails – often. 3 of my 4 kids were conceived while we were using birth control.
October 7, 2024 at 2:54 pm
Learn to use it properly and it is 99% effective. Looks to me you didn’t use it correctly and/or you missed some months.
October 7, 2024 at 7:35 am
Abortion is murdering a human being. No one has the right to take a life.
October 7, 2024 at 7:45 am
A rational thinking person has to wonder why there is little to no talk about preventing pregnancy and or adoption.
October 7, 2024 at 8:23 am
Government should not have a say in any woman’s pregnancy. She should make that decision. I’m not saying abortion should be used as a firm of birth control, and the choice to have an abortion is the HARDEST choice a woman could ever make, but it should be HER choice.
Don Barnes
October 7, 2024 at 10:29 am
This topic has NOTHING to do with men and as such, men should not have say in it. This should be a topic between a woman and her doctor. If men could get pregnant, we would not be having these conversations.
October 10, 2024 at 8:04 am
Nothing to do with men? Do you happen to know a woman who became pregnant without a man?
LiAnn Stewart
October 7, 2024 at 11:35 am
Juanita is the only correct one of all these comments.
There will be an accounting for every murdered baby, for every country that allows it, and every person who takes part in the murder…
Some of the punishment has already happened, and will be progressively worse, as this continues…
October 7, 2024 at 12:10 pm
Women DO have a right to decide! Just keep your legs closed. We do not have the right to murder an innocent child. If God blesses you with a child He has a reason and you do not have the right to kill it.
Jerry C.
October 7, 2024 at 6:07 pm
People, get your heads out of your keesters: there are no such things as “gods” (capitalized or not)! Quit trying to use stupidstition as justification for infringing on the rights of others! You have the right to believe what you wish and to apply those beliefs to YOUR OWN LIFE, however, you have NO RIGHT to FORCE those beliefs upon anyone else! Please keep your ignorance and your hypocrisy to yourselves and leave the poor women alone to make the choices and take the actions that are appropriate to THEIR lives and THEIR situations.
John White
October 8, 2024 at 4:53 am
Total abortion band is not reasonable. Medical reasons must have an exemption. Life begins at conception. If you don’t want to create a life then control sex and use birth control . There are many available and reliable. Read the 14th amendment. That life has rights and execution without a trial is against the law and not moral. Creating a life is the only miracle man can perform. Medically it is almost impossible yet happens every 3 seconds.
Biblically: God knew you before you were born.
October 8, 2024 at 10:24 am
There is another life involved, and another individual in that process, as it takes two to tango. The abortion “debate” has been settled by the Supreme Court. Don’t let the Democrats muddy the water as this is not an election issue, it is a smokescreen to cover all the real issues the Democrats have created. Don’t let your emotions overpower your intelligence.
October 9, 2024 at 4:19 pm
I just can’t see this as an all or nothing issue! I have no problem at all with a woman taking a “morning after” pill a day or two after having unprotected sex. But the longer the wait, the more it should be restricted! An abortion in the first three months is something that could be considered. A second trimester abortion should have some serious restrictions and counseling. An abortion once the fetus is viable (third trimester) should be done only due to a catastrophic condition/deformity of the baby or to save the woman’s life or health and ability to have future children.
I would never want to be forced to go through a pregnancy I didn’t want. And a final thought… I bet if women denied sex to men completely unless they wanted to make a baby (because birth control ISN’T 100%!), abortion would quickly become legal again!
October 13, 2024 at 10:53 am
October 13, 2024 at 2:27 pm
There are many issues with me on this matter:
1st, unless there is a serious medical situation between mother and child, that is a very difficult situation and only the mother and Doctor can do whats best for both, in addition to seeking inspiration thru GOD, since the child is Gift from GOD,,
2ND, If the mother cannot be a Mother,, Then why doesnt anyone discuss ADOPTION PROTOCOLS
4TH, OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS, helping to Raise the Child, many grandparents are involved alot in raising grandchildren, Where is the discussions about these topics long before any decisions about abortion TERMINATION OF A GIFT FROM GOD…