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Do Blue States Unfairly Target People Who Are Pro-Life?

Do Blue States Unfairly Target People Who Are Pro-Life?

Here’s The Scoop

In a significant victory for free speech and individual rights, the Colorado Capitol has removed its controversial ban on “political” apparel from its website. This change comes after the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) threatened legal action over the arbitrary enforcement of this rule.

The push for change originated with Jeffrey Hunt, a professor at Colorado Christian University, who was ejected from the Senate gallery for wearing a “Pro-Life U” shirt during a vote on abortion-related bills. Hunt’s removal highlighted the Capitol’s problematic stance on political expression, prompting FIRE to step in. Their efforts culminated in a letter sent to the Colorado sergeants-at-arms in July, demanding an end to the unconstitutional restriction on free speech.

Hunt expressed his satisfaction over the outcome, emphasizing the importance of free expression, especially within the halls of the state Capitol. “I am thrilled at this outcome,” Hunt declared. “Now, Coloradans are free to share their voices, particularly at the state Capitol, where the work of the people takes place.”

The biased application of the previous rule was glaring. Just weeks before Hunt’s incident, individuals donning pro-gun control shirts that read “Angels Against Gun Violence” faced no such issues when accessing the gallery. This selective enforcement clearly discriminated against conservative viewpoints, sparking justified outrage and demands for equity.

Josh Bleisch, an attorney for FIRE, pointed out the overreach of the previous rule.

“Jeff should have been allowed to express his opinions in a non-disruptive manner, but the rule was overbroad and gave officials too much leeway to arbitrarily enforce the ban,” Bleisch explained. “Now that the ban is no more, Coloradans can wear a political shirt where politics happens.”

Importantly, FIRE argued that the existing rules against disruptive behavior were sufficient, making the additional ban on silent political expression redundant and unnecessary.

The Colorado sergeants-at-arms and Senate have yet to issue a response to this development.

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  1. Dr. Caligari

    August 17, 2024 at 8:33 am

    I think you need to have a maybe box to check as this is one instance in one state

  2. Lawrence M. Kaspereen

    August 17, 2024 at 8:53 am

    We have lost more lives then in all the wars we have fought! I am a vet and I chose to put my life on the line.It is wrong to kill a baby!

  3. Nancy Janzen

    August 17, 2024 at 12:20 pm

    The government also sekectively enforces the FACE act only against pro lifers. They never arrest pro aborts in front of pregnancy centers.

  4. Jerry C.

    August 17, 2024 at 6:24 pm

    “Unfairly target” ‘thumper nutballs who believe everyone should be forced into compliance with their religion-based beliefs? Not a thing… In the argument between Pro-Choice and No-Choice, Pro-Choice should ALWAYS win!

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