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Are You in Favor of Trump’s VP Pick?

Are You in Favor of Trump’s VP Pick?

Here’s The Scoop

Former President Donald Trump has officially named freshman Ohio Senator JD Vance as his vice-presidential pick in his bid to return to the White House. This announcement puts an end to months of speculation regarding who Trump would choose to stand by his side.

Insiders within Trump’s circle had long emphasized that the 78-year-old former president would prioritize “loyalty” and find someone who complements his commanding presence, helps raise funds, and is prepared to serve without overshadowing him.

The announcement coincides with the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, just two days after a harrowing event in Pennsylvania where a gunman shot Trump in the upper ear at a rally. The assailant, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, narrowly missed Trump’s head but tragically killed one attendee in the crowd.

Throughout his campaign, Trump consistently hinted and teased his VP choice, keeping the final decision shrouded in mystery until now. The mercurial former commander-in-chief consistently praised a diverse array of candidates and kept allies close, ensuring heightened suspense.

Early clues emerged in February during a Fox News town hall when Trump confirmed he was considering several possibilities, including Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, biotech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. While nearly all these candidates were open to the prospect, DeSantis notably opted out shortly after Trump’s public consideration.

Over time, the list of potential candidates evolved. Sources close to Trump’s campaign revealed that Gov. Noem’s chances plummeted after controversial details surfaced from her memoir, while Ramaswamy was confirmed out of the running early. Sen. Scott similarly saw his prospects diminish more recently.

In the final stretch before Trump’s announcement, insiders indicated that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. JD Vance were the top contenders, with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) still in the race but less likely.

Throughout this period, these candidates fervently backed Trump, appearing at rallies and debates against President Biden, hoping to secure the nomination. Trump’s camp emphasized a wide-ranging list of potential picks, including names not highlighted by the media.

Among the rumored possibilities was Upstate New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, whose unwavering support for Trump during his re-election campaign and legal battles sparked speculation. Stefanik actively campaigned for Trump and expressed willingness to serve as VP.

Grassroots Trump supporters from early-voting states voiced openness to various candidates, ultimately trusting Trump’s judgment. Additional floated names included media personality Tucker Carlson, 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson, the Daily Wire’s Candace Owens, Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, and Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s former press secretary.

Looking ahead, Trump’s VP pick may go head-to-head with Vice President Kamala Harris in a debate, contingent on an agreement between the campaigns on the hosting network. While Biden’s team favors CBS News, Trump’s campaign leans towards a Fox News-hosted debate.

Despite Trump’s assertion that VP picks seldom sway election outcomes, he acknowledged in a January Fox News interview that a youthful running mate could appease voters concerned about age, offering reassurance as both he and Biden face scrutiny on that front.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!




  1. Jerry C.

    July 17, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    NO! He’s from Ohio so he’s evil incarnate! (I’m a Michigander so I know this to be true…)


      July 21, 2024 at 1:09 am

      I am a born and bred Ohioan and this is not true!! The Michigan Wolverines are the evil incarnate! GO BUCKS!!

  2. charles cole

    July 26, 2024 at 7:28 am

    I would have rather seen him pick someone who, while adhering to his political philosophy, would be able to calm him down. When Trump goes histrionic I wonder if I could support him.

  3. burri8

    July 26, 2024 at 7:45 am

    Well, I’ve been in this World for 68 years and Former President Donald Trump has been the only President that kept his campaign promises during his term in office. I have had some favorite Presidents like Eisenhower and Reagan but neither they nor any of the Democrats who have been elected President, have ever kept their campaign promises which is a big thing for the American people. Former President Donald Trump is very opiniated but He got the job done. The Democrats continue to spew out things that aren’t so. The border crisis is a mess and is dangerous to this day. The economy and Military are in disarray. The Judicial Branch needs their houses cleaned out. the Education System needs to be revamped to include parents rights in their children’s education. The abortion subject needs to be addressed state wide and the House and Senate needs to have Republican control to get things done.

    • Dakotahjoe

      July 27, 2024 at 10:36 am

      Kept his campaign promises!!?? First he said so much BS that it is hard to track what he promised and what he was just talking about. That is by design. Second, he said he would build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. Just to be clear, the economy is not in a mess. Actually running better than it has during Trump. The judicial branch is fine. Trump is just like all the other criminals that get convicted and blame the judge. And what is the solution to the border crisis. To be as hostile as possible to all immigrants so they are too scared to come to America? That attitude seems to fly in the face of everything America stands for.

  4. Donald Barnes

    July 26, 2024 at 8:11 am

    We need to have a veteran in the WH. This country will NEVER be able to recover from Harris’s incompetence and inaction on the southern border. If Harris becomes POTUS, we will be at war with Russia, China and N Korea within a year. VP has been a no show job for 3 yrs and 8 months, what kind of President does that equal?

  5. JMK

    July 26, 2024 at 7:34 pm

    I would have preferred Vivek Ramaswamy or Doug Burgum as VP. Unfortunately, Trumpism is replacing Reaganism. Vance is a national populist like Trump. If Trump wins in November, Vance will probably be the Republican presidential nominee in 2028. Our growing and unsustainable national debt is approaching $35 trillion. Both Trump and Vance want to cut taxes but not spending. The day of reconning may occur during a Republican administration, discrediting the Republican Party for generations.

  6. David Martin Barron

    July 28, 2024 at 8:28 am

    In my opinion, if I am still allowed to have one under the Democratic banner of supression, is that their actions have resulted ina divided nation not into two camps bt several camps that have no common ties other than living in the USA. By doing this the Democratic leadership can control each group with toys and gifts dangled in front of them such as specific legislation, token recognition, and gifts. The Democratically controlled judicial system has gone fro a respected and fair system to the extremely bias and often incompetent position of supporting the illegal and criminal base by not enforcing prosection of the obviously guilty criminals. The top leadership of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumr, have contributed heavily to the misguided and often times illegal to criminal actions of their dominions that follow through the use of basically lies, deception, counter productive programs, and interfearance all for political purposes. In my opinion again, when both these individuals and like individuals are finally removed from Congress through political retirements or health reasons, the nation has a chance to start healing and coming together agian. Their willingness to divide the nation in order to maintain political control, is shameful at best, and counter productive to the future of this nation. Support of radicalism, groups who openly defy the laws and regulations of the USA and its States, the nonsupport of those in Law Enforcement or misapplied Judicial actions all lead to caious. The top leadership which is suppose to be politically neutral has violated the Constitution and endangered all US citizens, has worked against the betterment of the nation for its citizens, and caused irrectable harm and problems which will exist for decades from illegal limmigration of undesireables, mentally ill, criminals, all whom cost the tax payers billons of dollars to support. It is necessary to remember the US govement has no money, only what they take from us in the form of Taxes so when they waste it or give it away around the world, it comes out of your pocket and what are you getting for that privilege?

  7. Freedom Lover

    July 29, 2024 at 10:49 pm

    I wish he would have picked Tim Scott. I don’t think anyone could be as loyal as Scott.

  8. Kevin l

    September 4, 2024 at 10:42 am

    They can’t say he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth

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