Are Mass Shootings Caused By Mental Illness Rather Than Guns?
As a string of high-profile mass shootings has renewed Democratic calls for gun control, some lawmakers say the firearms should not be the focus…

Are Mass Shootings Caused By Mental Illness Rather Than Guns?
Here’s the Scoop
As a string of high-profile mass shootings has renewed Democratic calls for gun control, some lawmakers say the firearms should not be the focus.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said mental health issues are to blame for mass shootings.
“We as a state, we as a society need to do a better job with mental health,” Abbott said.
“Anybody who shoots somebody else has a mental health challenge. Period. We as a government need to find a way to target that mental health challenge and to do something about it.”
What do you think? Do you agree with Gov. Abbott? Let us know with your vote!
Source: ABC News

May 19, 2023 at 6:18 am
Blaming guns is like blaming cars for drunk driving…than again, Dems are like dictators throughout history. the 1st thing hitler, Mao, Stalin etc did was disarm their people when they took power.
May 19, 2023 at 7:07 am
Don’t forget lousy parenting and a failed public education system.
May 19, 2023 at 8:19 am
Seriously?? 7% think that guns are running around shooting people?? 7% have a mental health problem. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. A hammer is a weapon which was used on Nancy pelosi’s husband. Knives are weapons, screw drivers are weapons. Fists are weapons like what that idiot in new York was doing. Grow up people, open your eyes and look at what is really happening. The liberal left is coddling pussies , not punishing crimes and then blaming the right for not supporting their liberal policies. Like defunding police, no bail, no jail. Voting for these idiots who are intentionally destroying America makes you just as guilty as the criminals.
Thomas P.
May 19, 2023 at 10:05 am
We don’t have a gun problem. We don’t have a mental health problem. He have a federal government/big pharma problem. Several of these shooters had prior contact with federal agents before the “shootings”.
May 19, 2023 at 5:42 pm
Mental Health Problem? To ask that question makes the same mistake as blaming the gun, not the shooter. The question of mental health would be better framed as: “What is creating the obvious mental health issues demonstrated by mass shooters?” Is it the pharmaceutical drugs (SSRIs) which already have a documented correlation? Is it the habitual use of other hallucinogens? Which ones? Is it environmental (circumstances of life in that geographical location – think NY, CA, PA, WA, OR, D.C., sometimes called culture)? What shapes mental health (or adversely affects it) is arguably an important factor to understand. At the age of 9 years old, early 1950s, in California, I was taking a gun to school (22 cal rifle) for ‘show and tell’. Nobody was shooting anybody. Plus, family units were intact in those days, divorce was rare, family court hadn’t begun to destroy the nuclear family, welfare was virtually non-existent, everybody had jobs, mothers were at home with children in most cases, illicit drugs were non-existent, and accountability in society for wrong doing was swift and severe. Yes, metal illness is relevant. Now ask the real questions .. what’s causing it. And ask yourself, does society have the will to make dramatic changes? Given what we’ve witnessed from the Justice System in recent years, open borders, drugs, human trafficking, child grooming, fraud and corruption, I doubt it personally.