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Is Climate Change A Major Concern For You?

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Is Climate Change A Major Concern For You?

Here’s the Scoop

The global community increasingly acknowledges the repercussions of climate change. With varying degrees of urgency, it’s a topic affecting policy, industry, and individual lifestyles.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in our poll, or join the discussion in the comment section below!



  1. Tarheel

    September 26, 2023 at 7:55 am

    Most of Asia will never participate, meanwhile Europe and the U.S. will decimate our industries and economies thru this shakedown of world equality to be governed by a one world socialist government that China will never participate in.

    • edward

      September 27, 2023 at 11:42 am

      climate has been changing since the earth has been here. How can you stop Climate change in one place with all the other places not doing anything to match what you are doing, which means, how many other countries are trying to do what they want to do in this country. I have seen this same type weather many times over my lifetime. I can remember some times in the nineties we had really hot weather, especially in 1985 the weather was just as hot as it is now. I was in Texas with my wife and daughter at the amusement part in Houston, it was over 100 degrees and people were ridding in things that splashed water onto the bank where people, including me, stood there to catch the cool water and help with the heat. the weather is goes and comes an there is nothing man can do to stop it from changing to different levels of heat and cold. One thing you cannot stop is the weather. Like I say you would have to get every country on earth to take part in trying to prevent climate change and that would still be a huge task

  2. Don

    September 26, 2023 at 12:49 pm

    Since Earths beginning it has been changing and of course 8 billion people have added to this problem.All beliefs believe in our End of times due to the way we treat our Planet.Our animals with simple brain fuction know this and our Worlds original humans also know this.


    September 27, 2023 at 7:04 am

    Imagine if the indigenous peoples were not allowed to use fire to keep warm, heat food destroy parasites and not have beasts of burden to eat and provide transportation because it would destroy the ozone layer not to mention all the methane they would expel…NONE OF US WOULD BE HERE, FOLKS!!!!! Well. that’s the BS they expect us to swallow.

    But, now more seriously the problem is really overpopulation most notably in MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, PHILIPPINES, AFRICA, INDIA, CHINA AND THE mIDDLE EAST. But no one wants to say it or else they will be labeled as racist, xenophobic and whatever else they can throw at you. Then they come to the US and sign up for welfare and everything else and the not so bright US govt takes from the American taxpayer to make ‘THEM” feel at home while throwing them on the street!!!!! PRICELESS!!!!!!

  4. My2Cents

    September 27, 2023 at 7:49 am

    It is a complete hoax by elites that seek to depopulate and control. US should leave the UN and the WHO. Climate change is another money making scheme by a bunch sick unelected elites and reading all their obituaries would be a good first step to ending the hoax.

    • Rhonda Reichel

      September 27, 2023 at 10:56 am

      geoengineering is the threat….horrible drought in Texas where storms get steered away via HAARP…watch your doppler radar and see the flash of concentric circles and the storms turn away. I just saw a huge HAARP signal right after 2:00 yesterday and the storms moved southwest after that.

  5. Larry James Overfield

    September 27, 2023 at 8:33 am

    If you read the Bible you will see that climate change waw part of creation (Genesis 1). In chapter 10 we see big climate change in the worldwide flood, yes, I believe in the Bible. The Roman republic and the empire rose a and fell because of climate change. I don’t believe there was any technology that could have caused that. It is a natural event. Man may have some effect on the climate but not enough to give up our freedoms fore. This is all about control.

  6. Liz Corbin

    September 27, 2023 at 9:19 am

    This is just another ploy of the Biden Administration to spy on us.
    Also, keeps the real news about his corruption away from patriotic Americans. Another diversion!!! He’s been doing that along with his constant lies ever since he took the oath of office. Every day he tries to see how much more money he pocket from China, Russia and Ukraine. I know there’s more but we have no proof as yet. We are getting there. He’s selling our out country to make himself richer. Some don’t want to hear that. Too bad. One day they will wake up and wonder what happened.

    • Tj. Jakes

      September 27, 2023 at 10:15 am

      Our socialist left government wants full control of you.Wake up people.

  7. Donald Cook

    September 27, 2023 at 9:38 am

    NO it is just a hoax, the world has been here for Millions of years and will still be here in another million. You Idiots that are worried about Climate Change, I have great news for you, you are going to Die, just like the rest of us. The only difference is we Normal People are going to enjoy our life and enjoy watching you Idiots worry yourself to death. You Climate activist are going to not to bright.

  8. ed mattson

    September 27, 2023 at 10:03 am

    It’s all a bunch of crap to get more money out of the taxpayer’s hand. . . and what in the hell can anyone do to alter the climate. The goal is to control the citizens . . . first give us piss-poor health care (and it is even free for those who wait in line for Obamacare) continue to build 600 sq ft apartments (just like they live in European countries); insure mortgage rates sky rocket so we cannot purchase a real home; legislate “Smart Electric Cars” for all just like the Nazis did with the Volkswagan in WWII Germany; herd us into community areas where we live on top of each other; force “public transporation” down our throats (can you just see a plumber making a house call coming your way by the city buss line with Roter Rooter in hand); tax gasoline and insure we pay higher and higher prices at the pump instead of going after our own energy which is the largest supply in the world; and take away “choices” our children will have in their futures.

  9. SHRW

    September 27, 2023 at 10:34 am

    Climate change has existed long before humans. There were dramatic changes in the climate before humans could be claimed to have had any impact on it. Even now, human impact is not as great as many politicians would have us believe. It is we who must adapt to nature’s changes as they occur. Politicians use climate change as an excuse implement their own plans and agendas. The aim is primarily to gain more control and power for themselves at our expense. I have live past at least four deadlines when climate change was supposed to have been catastrophic. When is the next deadline due?

  10. El-Tejas

    September 27, 2023 at 1:14 pm

    I thought Obama inferred that change was good?

  11. Frank W Brown

    September 27, 2023 at 1:24 pm

    There have been 41 DIRE predictions about man-made climate disasters over the last 50 years or so. Do you know how MANY of these predictions have actually come to pass?
    ZERO, ZIP, NADA, NONE!!! Time to QUIT bullshitting us about climate change!

  12. Pelbers

    September 27, 2023 at 5:02 pm

    I actually think that we are in for a big World Reset as far as the Human Race is concerned, (yet AGAIN)! We seem to be headed that way and picking up speed! We are the only species that habitually destroys our “human world”, as well as each other, and for what reason????! Liken us to too many rats in a box…they start killing and eating each other due to over population! Are we REALLY any different than any other predator animal???? ARE WE? We have brains, know right from wrong, good vs evil, that there is a GOD! But No! Too many are just stupid followers who need someone to lead them, doesn’t matter why, because we are just “followers who NEED to be led”…by…someone! Someone to tell us what to do, WHO TO FIGHT, who to worship (them!), Who to HATE, Who to KILL, Who to work for, and who to give our money to support and make rich, etc. Even really BAD ACTORS, doesn’t matter to the sheeple!! We Humans also thrive on controversy and Violence!!! Can’t deny that fact! Look at the number of people killed in all the Wars ever fought, and Massive amounts of money, along with Human life, are forfeited due to Human’s Violence against each other! Wars make leaders RICH and POWERFUL! Not the actual ones doing the fighting, though! They don’t even “personally” know who they are trying to kill, Who that person is, what they’re like, what family they have to support, etc. just following their demonic leader’s orders! TO KILL THE UNKNOWN ENEMY FOR THEIR LEADER! Fullfilling his need to dominate and steal from others, at the expense of so many innocent people!! Why don’t they fight with the other leader themselves? LEADER vs LEADER? Shame on them! But,here’s another thought..even the most popular American sport is the most Violent sport = Football! Duh! Since Cain and Abel, we’ve been out to do each other in! I say SHAME ON US as a species! DOUBLE SHAME ON THE LEADERS!!!!!, the WAR-MONGERS and MURDERERS, THIEVES, RAPISTS, ETC ETC ETC! To say it another way, ALL THOSE WHO ARE RULED BY AND ALIGN WITH THE DEVIL! Life is short, eternity is…well, eternal! I’m pretty Damn sure there are, have been, and will be, way more humans going to reside with the DEVIL, then with GOD (of any name)! I know where I plan to be! Too bad the Top of the Food Chain Species can also be the Worst in the World! I wonder if God is planning another Do-over soon? It’s TIME! TICK..TOCK!

  13. Pelbers

    September 27, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    I LOVE reading these replies from the actual smart decent good people of this current World! Where are all the Offended “spoutin-idyuts” spoutin their ISH?? Hmmmm… maybe…just maybe,the name LIBERTY caused them to run away flapping their hands, looking for someone to tell them what to do, what to say, how offended to be this time! Where’s g-odbama when they need him? I can see it in my head, and it makes me smile! Ok, ….makes me laugh!

  14. Jose

    September 27, 2023 at 8:23 pm

    “Climate Change” is but the ongoing greedy-globalists’ scam with the evil intent to create a socio-economic divide between the (“haves”) rich and the (“have nots”) poor all over/across the World. Indeed, a most malignant plot to only benefit those few whom are financially “well off” and, can most easily afford to buy access to those (hidden ?) corrupt entities/powers who control or have a say in most all of the decisions made by the governments on Planet Earth.
    Here I’ve got your “climate change”: “Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall”. The “believers” of such a scam ought to know that, only a lot of imbeciles would dare think that they could control the weather in our Planet. For I can assure you that, none of them know any of where the wind rests.

  15. Jerry caulder

    September 28, 2023 at 7:54 am

    No body is worried about climate change !!! the government uses climate change for democrats to put money in their pockets .I think it’s time for the democrats start helping the American people instead of putting money in their pockets .we need Trump back in office so he can clean house .a lot of the democrats need to be put in jail starting at the top .this is my personal opinion.

  16. Patricia Elizabeth Tappel

    September 29, 2023 at 10:42 am


  17. Edward J Vagnoni

    September 29, 2023 at 10:49 pm

    I must admit, when I was a Democrat, I used to actually believe people like Al Gore. He sounded so convincing that the coastlines, all over the world, would be gone in a matter of a few years. I loved going to the ocean shore, on many a vacation. I was in fear that everything I loved would be gone. But, even if the water would move onto the land, there would always be a shoreline. I kept waiting for the day that miles of land would be replaced by ocean waters. I even looked at maps, that should when the water would flood, because there would be a great migration to the interior of the country. But the water never rose up, to take any land away. Now retired, everything stayed the same, as it would, until the next Ice Age. One day, I had a fall at work, and broke my neck. I died, and found myself in the dark, standing up, and trying to figure things out.I turned around, and saw the Golden Gates of Heaven, and went thru them. A mossy path led me to Our Savior Jesus Christ, and I saw Him transformed, from a very bright golden light to His human form. He said that He would fix my body, and send me back, because I was not finished my life. But I asked a lot of questions! First of all, we live in a dream world, and it was His Matrex. The dark place was, “Purgatory”,and we collectively dream about Earth. We also Reincarnate, over and over to learn about, Love,obeying His laws, and helping each other. I told Him I was afraid of flooding, and He said if He chose to, the Earth would flood, however He has no plains to do so. He told me that the flood plans were made by men who wanted unlimited power, using the climate runaway. He said don’t believe them, and they are not to be trusted. He said the, “End Times”, would come in a little while, and all those bad men would be sent to Hell. He also said that Allah was Satan, and He would destroy them with, Fire, and Brimstone.There is no love in that cult. He sent be back to work, where I fell, and I got up and walked away. But there was a video of my fall, and it showed my death. All the doctors that I had to see got a copy of the video, and they said there was no chance that I would have survived. The unlimited power of God, in all His Glory.

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